There is a common saying, "Sitting in a garage doesn't make you a car, just like sitting in a church building doesn't make you a real Christian". The same goes for those who call themselves pastors/fathers/ministers/preachers/reverends/apostles or any other name-just because they have gone to seminary school and can quote bible verses doesn't mean they are true followers of Christ. It is sad that many people don't believe in Jesus because of the false teachers way of living. The mansions, the planes, the expensive cars, the lavish lifestyles are the basis of disbelief in the Christian message and Christian way of life. If anything the fact that some of these 'preachers' live the way they do just proves the bible is true. Jesus had a lot of choice words to say to the Pharisees of His day. And none of it was good. The Pharisees were concerned with external and material things. They may have 'said' they worshiped God, but Jesus told the truth when He described the Pharisees/Sadducees/Teachers of the law.: ![]()
The Word of God stands in severe judgement of those who would use the Gospel of Christ for personal and monetary gain. Jesus was talking to the Pharisees and scribes when He proclaimed, "These people-the teachers/preachers- draw near to Me with their mouth, And honor Me with their lips, But their heart if far from me, Teaching as doctrines the commandments of men." And Jesus warns His followers to 'beware' false doctrines/teachings. What is also bible proving is the fact that Jesus clearly states church leaders are NOT to be called 'teacher, rabbi, or father' and yet many religious leaders call themselves teachers/father/ and rabbi. There are many false doctrines today, no time or space to cover them all. The 'get rich' with Jesus teachings is one the most common false doctrines. Jesus instructs His followers and leaders to be humble servants, not storing up treasures on earth, but storing up treasures in heaven. False preachers may have the 'best' life now, but they will be judged more harshly in the coming Day of The Lord. False teachers/preachers and their extravagant lifestyles is not an excuse to not believe in Jesus or the Bible. It just proves what the the Bible says, the heart of men are evil, and the only thing that can fix it is a heart transplant, God removes the heart of stone and replaces it with a new heart; and this surgery is only done by accepting Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. There is going to be a Day of Judgment, and God will judge everyone who has ever lived, His wrath is going to poured out on all the wicked and ungodly. The Good News is Believing in Jesus saves us from the righteous wrath of God. But that is not all, He gives us a new heart and mind NOW, and we receive some of His blessing from heaven NOW and are equipped to be able to live a life that is holy and acceptable to Him NOW.
1. Believe in your heart that Jesus Christ is real, He lived and died and rose from the grave. 2. Believe that you are a sinner, repent-turn from your sins and realize and accept you need Jesus. 3. Confess that Jesus is your Lord and God 4. Find a local Bible preaching church that does obey the commandment for water baptism for the remission of your sins and to identify yourself with Christ. This is just the first step to a lifelong journey of growing in truth and love with the God who created this earth and everything in it, including every human being that has ever lived. Bible verses related to this post: Matthew 8:16:5-12, Matthew 6:19, Matthew 18:1-4, Matthew 23:7, Matthew 23:14
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AuthorErica Harris is a God Gifted Christian Coach, Counselor, providing insights and truths from the Word of God, The Bible. Archives
October 2022
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