'See No Evil, Hear No Evil, Speak No evil' is a common saying, but many people do not know that it has pagan origins. It's a proverb and the two most common interpretations as per information on Wikipedia:
Many people have a heart, sight, and hearing problem. I'm not talking about people who are actually blind or deaf or have heart disease, but those who have physical eyes/ears/hearts that have not been damaged by disease or accident; the corneas are working properly, light reflects as it's supposed to, transmitting and processing the images from the outside world through the eye into the brain/the hearing components appropriately transmit the sounds into the brain; and the physical heart is pumping life giving blood through the body appropriately. Many will pass an eye exam, or be prescribed glasses and with the glasses they can see the world properly; many will pass a hearing test, or be prescribed hearing aids and with the hearing aide they can properly hear the world; many will pass a heart exam, if not they will be given treatments and procedures to help it do its job properly. Even though many can physically see, hear, and their hearts are pumping blood, they are spiritually blind, deaf, and dead as stated by Jesus in Matthew Chapter 13. Jesus stated that the prophecy in Isaiah 6:10, was fulfilled by this generation, that those who disbelieve the gospel of Christ/God may have ears for hearing but do not hear, eyes but they do not see or perceive, and they have no understanding in their heart. This is not any more true than it is today. The world has completely bought into the deceptions of Satan as evidenced by all the problems, abuse in each nation and in the homes. You know the Bible is true when people try to blame the current problems in the world on Christians and the Bible. Really, what does the Bible tell Christians to do? Does it tell Christians to lie, cheat, steal, kill, murder, rape, abuse, take advantage of, hate, despise, ridicule, gossip, that they are better than anyone else? Does the Bible tell Christians to kill, cut of the heads, crucify, burn up, shoot, hang, blow up people who do not believe the Gospel? The answer to both of these questions is unequivocally NO! The Bible instructs Christians to do the EXACT OPPOSITE! and another proof that Isaiah 6:10 is true is that in the current church, those who call themselves Christians but they support and applaud abominable practices like homosexuality and fornication. What is sad is that you can't even tell the difference between most of the churches and the world. True Christians are to be called out, different, peculiar, set apart, "Do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God." Romans 12:2. What does the word 'conformed' mean? According to Dictionary.com, to 'conform' means : To act in accord with the prevailing standards, attitudes, practices, etc., of society or a group The synonyms for the word conform are: comply with, abide by, obey, observe, follow, keep to, stick to, adhere to, uphold, heed,accept, go along with, fall in with, respect, defer to; satisfy, meet, fulfill When you understand what it means to 'conform', it should bring into understanding the true actions one who calls themselves Christian should engage in. When a person gives their time, talents, and treasures to a subject/project/person/entertainment, what ever, it shows what that person is 'conforming' to. It shows what that person is 'agreeing' to. It shows what that person 'accepts'as being right and OK. For example, you don't agree that having sex outside of marriage is right, but you love to watch movies and TV shows about adultery and fornication. Those who do this say, 'It's OK to watch this kind of stuff, I'm not actually doing it, I know that it's fake, God doesn't care it's just entertainment'. Really, the Bible doesn't have anything to say about what God's people should and should not engage in? Many who say they are Christians go to church services on Saturdays and Sundays, but the rest of the week they live like heathens. God's people are commanded to live HOLY lives EVERYDAY.
Understanding starts in the heart. Now this post is not going to focus too much on the heart issue,but a brief talk about is needed because the condition of a person's heart is how their eyes and ears perceive things in the world. The heart is a very important part of man and is mentioned over a 1000 times in the Bible. There are many different views on what the heart of man is, but for this post I will just point out the most common view. The heart is the core part of a human being, it is comprised of the mind,thoughts, beliefs, morals, desires, and personality of a person. Each person's 'heart' separates them from one another. This is demonstrated in the Parable of the Soils told by Jesus in Matthew Chapter 13 verses 1 through 23. Jesus described four different conditions a person's heart can be in: Wayside Ground, Stony Ground, Thorny Ground, and Good Ground. This is a whole other post by itself, but I am just mentioning it as stated before as a base for talking about the eyes/ears. A persons' own values, upbringing, views. personality,thinking patterns all combine to make them receptive or not receptive to hearing the words of the gospel or hearing from God. There is also the enemy Satan who also plays a part in the shaping of a person's heart. He and his evil minions go about whispering and deceiving and tempting all those who leave themselves open to his evil influence. The Bible says that the heart of men is desperately wicked and deceitful above all things, Jeremiah 17:9. One has to ask themselves are babies born with a wicked heart? This is most definitely debatable, but what the Bible says is all of mankind has been cursed, so yes babies are born with a sin nature, but I don't personally believe that babies start out with a wicked heart. The base nature of all humans is the knowledge of good and evil. The CHOOSING of which side to pick is based on the child rearing and development of the child, but there is a time in every person's life where they have the mental capability to make their own choices, this is called 'the age of accountability'. Now the Bible does not clearly state when this is. Many try to state and teach that it's a fact that the age of accountability is 12 years old, some believe it's 20, but this is not in the Bible. The Bible does say that everyone will have to give an account of their lives. Now God is not a stupid or unfair God. Would a baby who has not lived, not made any decisions have to give the same account as a 90 year old person? Of course not. We don't understand or know how baby's/children are treated other than God does take care of baby's/children who die young. Now only God truly knows the inner core of any person. Some children advance quickly, as can be seen how kids can out think many adults. But what other humans cannot see is the true condition of their heart. Only God knows this. All we can do is conjecture about the issue. If you have two 7 year old kids-one acts like an angel, obeys all their parents directions, doesn't ever break any rules and then you have another 7 year old who disobeys their parents rules, doesn't follow directions. So is one more guilty than the other according to God's standards? One could argue yes, the one who disobeys is the 'bad' one. But here we would be acting as if we are God, because we don't know the inner workings of the one who disobeys. Maybe they don't understand their parents rules, maybe they disagree with their parents rules and think their way is better, does that mean they are doing something bad? It is clear that parents are to 'bring up' 'teach' 'groom' a child, teach them the ways of God. I believe, and I am not saying this is correct, is that every person comes to a point in their life where they truly understand the difference between right and wrong, for some this may be at 5 years old for others it may not be until 21 years old, but when ever that point is in a persons life is only truly known by God. The key word is 'understand'. When a person is told something is wrong, they have the choice to believe it's wrong or not. Because the truth about the human condition has been revealed by God in the Bible and through His creation, even though we are born with a sin nature, He gives us enough information to make the correct choice in rejecting evil and believing good. The heart is built to know good and evil but the conditioning for either side is by nurture and experiences, but the Word of God can break through and change any stony/dead heart. There is much more that can be said about the heart, it's a complicated issue that really could be addressed in a full length novel, but for now, just this brief description is given. There was a movie called 'Shallow Hal', It was a about a guy who was very shallow only looking at the external world for what he thought was beautiful. His 'eyes' only saw what his mind perceived as beautiful, but a motivational speaker changed Hal's 'heart' and he started to see the 'inner' beauty or ugliness of people. He saw the true spirit of the person, not their external physical self. His mind was changed so his eyes perceived things differently. There are some doctors who have given their patients placebo's, harmless/ineffective medications, but the patient is told it's something else and believes it, the patient gets well, thinking it's the pill when it was just their own actions that led to their healing. Thousands of studies are done on human perception. Studies show that animal assisted therapy helps people recovery faster and better. Just being around a dog helped decrease a patient's anxiety and harmful hormones. A lot of mental health problems are caused by irrational and distorted thinking. A person can think they are in danger and their body reacts as if it really is when it's not. The mind is a very powerful thing which is evidenced by the advancement in technology, but the heart/mind is also a conflicted thing as evidenced by the fact that man still suffers from the SAME issues since the beginning of time. If book knowledge was all that man needed, why can't we stop the violence, blood shed, poverty, greed, abuse? Why can't man 'learn' from our mistakes? Because man is cursed and so is the earth, sin entered into the world through one man Adam, this curse is on man and the earth. This is why there is no program, no law, no social study, no science, nothing of mankind that will change the nature of man except God. Only God can remove the curse and He will soon return to do just that. Twilight Zone's Episode: Eye of The Beholder November 1960 ![]() "The eye only sees what the mind comprehends." Robertson Davies. "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder." The truth is we see what we want to see as demonstrated in a Twilight Zone episode where a lady under goes surgery to look 'normal' because in that society distorted faces were considered normal rather than clear undisturbed faces were. The condition of a person's heart sets them up for spiritual victory or spiritual defeat. Take these examples for instance, the Hebrews were rescued miraculously from slavery. They actually 'saw' with their physical eyes, the miracles performed by God, but when it came time for them to enter into the land that God had promised them, 12 men were sent to spy out the land; a majority of the people listened to eleven of the spies who returned and said that there were giants in the land and that they could not overcome them. The majority of the people listened to the spies rather than God. But two had a different 'perspective' of the situation; yes, there were giants in the land, but in their hearts they believed and knew what their God was bigger. Even though Caleb and Joshua had not physically seen God, but could physically see the giants, they still were not afraid or dismayed of them because their heart was right with God. Their mind was conditioned to believe God. Now why is that even though all the Hebrews physically saw God do impossible things, some of them came to their own conclusions about God despite what they had physically seen? I believe it's a combination of free will and the devil's influence. A person is free to think anyway they want, but that doesn't mean that what they think is right. God clearly expects people to 'think' correctly. He does not stand for excuses for faulty thinking, case in point, when the Hebrews choose not to go into the promised land because they believed the 11 spies and were afraid, God punished them by killing immediately the spies who gave the false report and He killed off all those who disbelieved by having them wander in the wilderness for 40 years. The spies and the people who believed them were looking through worldly/blind eyes. Caleb and Joshua were looking through godly eyes. There were many other instances of the Israelite's seeing through worldly/blind eyes. Abraham, through godly eyes, left his country without knowing exactly he was going, he did not look or think about what was going to happen to him, he believed God and he left as God instructed. Now a person does not just forever have godly eyes, it takes diligent and persistent work to stay on the short and narrow road, but we are all human and will slip from time to time as seen by Abraham, a man who is touted with having great faith, but at times that faith was questionable when he lied about his wife being his sister for fear that he would be killed because of her beauty. In those times he was looking through worldly eyes. Another famous Bible character, David, a man noted to be a man after God's own heart. Wow, David really knew God, he had godly eyesight when he killed the bear and lion and then Goliath. David saw beyond the physical Goliath, he saw Goliath through God's eyes, Goliath was nothing compared to God. He continued to have godly eyes when he slew thousands of God's enemies. But one night, a night that would shape the rest of his rule and kingdom, he was not protecting his heart, worldly eyes/mind were in play and the enemy, the one who roams around looking for who he can devour, found a ready and ripe morsel in king David. We are not told about the specific behaviors of David before the infamous 'seeing Bathsheba on the roof incident', we are told he had stayed back from the battle. Before this David was doing mighty things for God, conquering enemy after enemy, God was blessing David with the spoils of war, yet there was an enemy in his camp, 'his self' his flesh and Satan. We are not told much about David's private life, but we do know he prayed a lot but we are not told how often, what religious activities he was involved in, he was just going to war and one day he decided not to go to battle, Why? We are not told why, we can only guess. Was it pride, as he had won so many battles what was the point of going to another, he had capable commanders to do the work for him? We don't know but I don't believe in coincidences. I believe Satan orchestrated the situation knowing David was vulnerable. We are told in previous scriptures that the Spirit of God was with David, that The Spirit had been taken from Saul. So where was the Spirit of God this night? We are not told that 'Satan entered into David, but I wonder if this is what happened, because we are told in Luke Chapter 2 verse 3, that 'Satan entered into Judas'. Now Judas was responsible for deciding to leave Satan an opening to influence his decision to betray Christ, Judas did not even think about his decision, he just did it, the same as David. We are not told that David debated in his mind if he should do this evil act, no he immediately responded to lust with no thought to the consequences what so ever. When we leave ourselves open, Satan can blind our eyes from the truth and consequences. This does not give us an excuse because we being open in the first place is our choice. We are warned over and over to BE ON GUARD! "Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith,Who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God." Hebrews 12:1-2. It is God who gives us a new heart and new mind so that we can see with godly eyes, but He does not lobotomize us, we are not automatons/robots, we still have our free will in conjunction with His. When we have godly eyes, our perspectives about life issues should be different than the worlds. True believers should not fear the terror by night nor the arrow that flies by day-the devil goes around shooting his fiery arrows of wickedness- nor the destruction that lays waste at noonday. We cultivate and fertilize our heart by putting off the old man, and no longer walking in the way of the Gentiles, no longer on the broad road that leads to destruction, instead the Christian is feeding on the good food of the word of God daily, praying daily, walking in faith daily, holy living, and honest work and service to others. Godly eyes affects how we see our problems and situations, it affects our self esteem and courage. The devil has the world fooled and many have the 'See No Evil, Hear No Evil, Speak No evil' attitude. Their hearts are open to the lies and influence of Satan. When are hearts are right, our eye sight and hearing will perceive and understand the truths of God.
There is going to be a Day of Judgment, and God will judge everyone who has ever lived, His wrath is going to poured out on all the wicked and ungodly. The eyes of the wicked need to be opened and the ears unplugged so they can see and hear the truth. The Good News is Believing in Jesus saves us from the righteous wrath of God. But that is not all, He gives us a new heart and mind NOW, and we receive some of His blessing from heaven NOW and are equipped to be able to live a life that is holy and acceptable to Him NOW. 1. Believe in your heart that Jesus Christ is real, He lived and died and rose from the grave. 2. Believe that you are a sinner, repent-turn from your sins and realize and accept you need Jesus. 3. Confess that Jesus is your Lord and God 4. Find a local Bible preaching church that does obey the commandment for water baptism for the remission of your sins and to identify yourself with Christ. This is just the first step to a lifelong journey of growing in truth and love with the God who created this earth and everything in it, including every human being that has ever lived. Bible verses related to this post: Isaiah 42:7 & 16 & 18-20; Mark 8:17-18; Isaiah 6:10; Matthew 13:14: Romans 12:2; Psalm 101:3;1 Thessalonians 5:22; Proverbs 4:14-15; 2 Timothy 2:16; 1 Timothy 6:11; Matthew 13:1-23; Jeremiah 17:9; Numbers Chapter 13 and 14; Luke 2:3; Hebrews 12;1-2; Pslam 91:5-6; Ephesians 6:16; Ephesians 4:27 references: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Three_wise_monkeys; http://www.biblestudytools.com/dictionary/heart/ https://www.uclahealth.org/pac/Documents/volunteering/PACArticle.pdf http://www.notable-quotes.com/m/mind_quotes.html
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![]() "Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore", stated Dorothy in the movie 'The Wizard of Oz' which first appeared in theaters in 1939. I agree with Dorothy's line which describes her shock and wonder at realizing she was no longer in a place she recognized, a place that was safe and secure but was now in a place of fantasy complete with talking animals, flying monkeys, witches, and the infamous great Wizard of Oz. I too feel like I have been transported to some fantasy land of make believe characters coming to life. My line is, "Fellow true Christians, I've a feeling we're not in world that wants truth anymore." And the same charade that the Wizard of Oz tried to pull over the eyes of Dorothy and her fellow new friends, the bellowing statements "DON'T LOOK BEHIND THE CURTAIN, I'M ALL POWERFUL", but in truth there was no real power behind the curtain at all. It was just a smokescreen, an act, the truth was the wizard was just an old, tired, man who had gotten lost and ended up in the land of OZ. That is where we are today. Satan is the new fake 'wizard of Oz', bellowing loudly, "DON'T LOOK BEHIND THE CURTAIN, I'M ALL POWERFUL" and he has the whole world believing in his deception. Today the Christian world is at odds, there are two debates regarding the current times. Some are saying 'we're not in the last days, you're just crazy'; others are saying 'we are living in the last days, wake up." I am in the camp that believes WE ARE LIVING IN THE LAST DAYS! The prophecies about 'the end of days' were clearly described by Jesus when His disciples asked in Matthew Chapter 24 verse 3, "What will be the sign of Your coming and the END OF THE AGE?" The prophecies given by Jesus Himself in verses 5 through 14 HAVE BEEN FULFILLED and are BEING FULFILLED in our current life time. The prophecies about the end of days given in 2 Timothy verses 1 through 9 HAVE BEEN FULFILLED AND are BEING FULFILLED. It is amazing how THE FACTS support this, but many ignore them or minimize them of just flat out don't believe them. You don't have to be a rocket scientist to see the writing on the wall. One just has to pick up the Bible and turn on the TV, look to all the news stories, walk on the streets, go to the restaurants/bars, go to the concerts, go to the churches, go to the governments, go into the homes of most people, and look into the minds of most people and you will see EXACTLY what the Bible describes as what would be happening in the last days. The fact that many self professing Christians say 'we're not in the last days' PROVES we are, because the Bible says that in the end, many will turn from the faith and instead listen and follow after doctrines of demons, that many will have a 'form of godliness' but no real power, as it is written, "They honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me," Isaiah 29:13. Jesus said that when actual literal proof would come-wars/earthquakes/falling away and the fact that He was giving them warning ahead of time of what would be taking place- He is making a point that even then, WITH THE ACTUAL PROOF, THEY STILL WILL NOT BELIEVE! Never before in our history have we seen the Word of God literally come alive like it is now. Churches around the world are falling like a stack of cards, caving into the homosexual/LGBT/satanic agenda with the 'pastors' of these congregations saying foolish things like, "Jesus didn't say anything about homosexuals." WHAT??? Jesus did not have to spell out each and every sin when it was already mentioned elsewhere in the Bible! Jesus didn't say anything about 'not lying', so does that mean we can lie???Jesus did not say specifically 'thou shall not forninate', so does this mean we can engage in sexual immorality??? Jesus did not say anything about witchcraft, so does this mean we can practice sorcery, follow the occult??? Jesus was God 'IN THE FLESH'; the same God who gave the Mosaic Law to the Hebrews. The SAME laws that Jesus followed and demonstrated and gave even more stringent interpretation of it, like when He talked specifically about a few of the laws like adultery in Matthew Chapter 5 verse 27 and 28 "You have heard it said of old, 'Thou shall not commit adultery', but I say that whoever LOOKs at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart." Sexual sins are the worst sins to commit and those who preach and teach that Jesus did not say anything about sexual sin, are completely ignoring and twisting what is clearly written in the scriptures. In Mark Chapter 7, Jesus was correcting, once again, the evil hypocritical Pharisees and Scribes who were trying to wrongly accuse His disciples of defiling themselves for not washing their hands while eating bread. Jesus quickly set the record straight that's it's not what is outside the body that defiles, it's what is inside that does. So if Jesus was 'cool' with every kind of life style, why would He say ANYTHING about being 'defiled' or that He was coming to treat 'THE SICK'? What does it mean to be defiled or sick in Jesus's eyes? A person who truly wants to discern the Word of God, knows that you use the Bible to interpret the Bible, not man's interpretation of the Bible (this is why we have so many different sects, people are following after the doctrines of men). The concept of being 'defiled' relates to the issue of being unclean, the concept of being clean/unclean first showed up in the Old Testament Chapter of Leviticus Chapter 5 verse 2, but it really began before that. From the beginning in Genesis Chapter 3, Adam and Eve sinned. But what is interesting, not anywhere does God call what they did 'sin'. He didn't need to because at the end of the day, ALL SIN is disobedience to God's laws. The issue of 'disobedience to God's laws' is called different things throughout the Bible but the meaning is always the same-disobedience to God's laws. The first sin committed in the Garden of Eden, God did not call it 'sin' but it was sin all the same. God said "Because you have disobeyed Me when I told you not to eat of the Tree". So in Genesis, sin was called DISOBEDIENCE. The first time the word 'sin' is used is in the next chapter, with Cain, who committed the first murder. Now from the beginning of Genesis to the Chapter before Cain slew his brother, it is not written that God had told Adam or Eve to 'not kill'. So how would Cain have known what he did was wrong? Why would he be concerned about the others killing him? God did not have to tell Cain what he did was wrong, God did not even say, Cain you murdered your brother" because God did not have to STATE THE OBVIOUS!! That is one of issues with this current wicked generation, they say that God approves of same sex unions, which is completely ridiculous, they believe because Jesus did not say, "It's wrong for men to have sex with men and for women to have sex with women" that Jesus/God are ok with homosexuality. Jesus did not have to say this because it is OBVIOUS in all the other laws that describe what sexual impurities are; and when He stated that what comes out a man is what defiles him, what exactly did Jesus mean when He said a person could be defiled? He meant unclean, wicked, unholy, sick, evil, depraved, abominable and He listed/named specific sins in Mark 7:20," For from within, out of the heart of men, proceed EVIL thoughts, ADULTERIES, SEXUAL IMMORALITY, FORNICATIONS, MURDERS, THEFTS, COVETOUSNESS, WICKEDNESS, DECEIT, LEWDNESS, BLASPHEMY, PRIDE, ENVY, FOOLISHNESS, ALL THESE EVIL THINGS COME FROM WITHIN AND DEFILE A MAN." Jesus called these actions evil, He did not excuse them or say they were ok, no He called them EVIL and WICKED. Jesus did not have to explain the definitions of what sexual immorality, murder, theft, etc meant. The meanings are OBVIOUS. The term 'sexual immoralities was one word to describe ALL MANNERS OF SEXUAL SIN THAT WAS PUNISHABLE BY DEATH IN THE OLD TESTAMENT; and God describes exactly what He means by 'sexual immorality' in Leviticus Chapter 18- the sexual sins were INCEST, PEDOPHILIA, FORNICATION, ADULTERY, HOMOSEXUALITY, BEASTIALITY, AND POLYGAMY- God called ALL of these sexual sins an ABOMINATION. Homosexuals are without excuse, for the very creation of Man and Woman is a testament to truth of What God said, when He made them 'man' and 'woman' and told them to go and fill the earth, that is, to have sex, man with woman to propagate the world. The very bodies of man and women attest to the truth of God's specific creation of the sexes. Men's private parts are perfectly fitted into woman's private parts. It truly takes a sick and twisted mind to look at God's physical attributes given to men and women and think that it is normal that two men or two women having sexual unions is natural; but that is what we are to think, that God is ok with (I don't mean to offend here, but truth is truth) a man inserting his penis into the anus of another man where feces comes out. That two women who rub against each other or wear prosthetics in mimic of male organs or men and women parading themselves in all manners and forms of lust and lewdness like the 'Girls Gone Wild' and other pornographies; they all believe that God is ok with these lifestyles. Just typing this is making me sick to my stomach. I just bring this point up to describe just how bad we are in the US and the world, this proves we are living in the 'land of Oz'. The fact that 'the church' has embraced homosexualty, lesbiansism, fornication, adulteries, witchcraft, idol worship, and every other kind of wicked sin into the church, the ones who are supposed to know the truth, and yet the truth cannot be found in them. Right now I can hear now the charge, 'You're judging, your wrong to say these things'. So repeating what the Bible says is judging? Show me where it says that Christians are NOT to warn the people about God's coming judgement for SIN? That Christians are NOT to tell the gospel to the whole world? 'Well, Jesus said don't judge or you will judged yourself!' What did Jesus really mean in Matthew Chapter 7 starting with verse 1, "Judge not, that you be not judged. For with what judgement you judge, you will be judged, it will be measured to you." They stop here, 'see you telling me I'm a sinner you are judging me'. You can't stop at just a few verses, you have to take in all the verses to get the right context because the next verses explain what Jesus is talking about when He says, "don't judge"; "And why do you look at the speck in your brother's eye, but do not consider the plank in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, 'Let me remove the speck from your eye; and look, a plank is in your own eye? Hypocrite! FIRST REMOVE THE PLANK FROM YOUR OWN EYE, AND THEN YOU WILL SEE CLEARLY TO REMOVE THE SPECK FROM YOUR BROTHER'S EYE." Jesus was talking about being a hypocrite, telling people not to sin, but you are sinning worse than the person you're telling not to sin. That is why it is critical for Christians to examine ourselves. How can we give a testimony about Christ if we are living fowl? WE CAN'T! We are to told to live a life of holiness, committed to God, blameless, pure." Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth" and here, "PREACH THE WORD! BE READY IN SEASON AND OUT OF SEASON, CONVINCE, REBUKE, EXHORT, WITH ALL LONGSUFFERING AND TEACHING, FOR THE TIME WILL COME WHEN THEY WILL NOT ENDURE SOUND DOCTRINE, BUT ACCORDING TO THEIR OWN DESIRES, BECAUSE THEY HAVE ITCHING EARS, THEY WILL HEAP FOR THEMSELVES TEACHERS, AND THEY WILL TURN THEIR EARS AWAY FROM THE TRUTH, AND BE TURNED TO FABLES". 2 Timothy 4:2-3. esus said the wicked WILL NOT enter into the kingdom prepared for those who obey God and have accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior. He does not say, "It's ok to violate God's laws, come on in to heaven, I accept everyone no matter what they do." No the words of Jesus to the wicked is, "Depart from Me, you cursed, into the everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels..And these will go away into everlasting punishment." Matthew 25:41 & 46; I'm also in the camp who believe the first five seals in Revelation Chapter 6 have been broken and we are now in the last chapter where the Great Tribulation is going to begin to pick up speed, Satan will be revealed and when this happens ALL BETS ARE OFF, real Hell on earth will begin, and the fence that many are straddling-(I believe in God but I want to live anyway I want)- will be utterly destroyed, you are either with God or with Satan, YOU WILL HAVE TO CHOOSE!!! Jesus says it is those will endure this time of great trouble who will be saved. He did not say He will rescue them out, He said if 'they endure' and are not deceived by all the false prophets and false christs, and then by the father of lies, Satan himself that His people would be saved. So from the very beginning GOD'S NATURAL LAWS, BEFORE THE MOSAIC LAW, God's natural, absolute moral laws were already in the hearts of men!!Every human being is born with intrinsic knowledge of good versus evil. Before any lessons from parents or books, this truth is evident in all humans. Watch a playground of two and three year olds, how they will look around to see if anyone is looking and then sneak to do something and when they are caught they know they are guilty but they don't yet have the ability to speak fully yet. We are all born with a basic moral code, but in order for this code to mature, it must be nurtured according the laws of God. "Train up a child in the way they should go and even when they are old, they will never depart from it." Proverbs 22:6. Parents to teach their children about God and discipline in love. You can see the catastrophic consequences of not following God's directions for child rearing in today's lost youth. Suicide is the third leading cause of death for young adults age 15 to 24. Why are the young ones believing there is nothing to live for when they haven't' even LIVED yet? Why are millions of kids addicted to mind altering drugs? Why are 7 year olds sexting? The answer is clear, most were not raised in God fearing homes. I know that there are some who have been raised in God fearing homes who do go the way of the prodigal' child, but the vast majority are not brought up in bible believing/bible following Christian homes. What does this have to do with the 'end of days'? The bible says that in the last days people would reject the truths of their fathers and follow after demons. Studies show that the kids graduating from high school today, those who grew up in Christian homes, when they get to college or leave the home, they are dropping the faith they grew up with and instead embracing every other satanic/demonic doctrine that their 'itching' ears can accept, they flock to what ever religion/belief/that best 'fits' what they think, many do not believe there any absolute moral laws, they have bought into the lie that humans are nothing but evolved animals with natural instincts to fornicate, lie, cheat, bribe, or do anything to get ahead, because it's 'survival of the fittest'. Christians are instructed to admonish/warn/teach/command/exhort. So how would we know when we need to rebuke/correct/admonish/warn someone?- It's when we can see the person is NOT living up to the standards of God. We are to warn those who live contrary to God's laws, if they don't know what God's laws are, we have to explain it to them and explain what the consequences are of violating them. The following slides are just a few of the 'birth pains' Jesus said would be happening in the world before His return. The sinful acts that will committed by the world and the earth itself will start to disintegrate. All this information is from CURRENT headlines in the news reports that are easily found by anyone willing to look for them past all the 'distractions' that are purposely in place to distract people from the truth for example, why is 'Beyonce is picking out a new set of clothes' FRONT PAGE NEWS?. There are many many more signs that we are in the last days, but this post is so long already, there is not enough room to capture them all, this is a just a small snapshot of the millions of stories/images, on the complete breakdown of humanity and this world as it readies itself for the coming Satanic rule: There is going to be a Day of Judgment, and God will judge everyone who has ever lived, His wrath is going to poured out on all the wicked and ungodly. The Good News is Believing in Jesus saves us from the righteous wrath of God. But that is not all, He gives us a new heart and mind NOW, and we receive some of His blessing from heaven NOW and are equipped to be able to live a life that is holy and acceptable to Him NOW.
1. Believe in your heart that Jesus Christ is real, He lived and died and rose from the grave. 2. Believe that you are a sinner, repent-turn from your sins and realize and accept you need Jesus. 3. Confess that Jesus is your Lord and God 4. Find a local Bible preaching church that does obey the commandment for water baptism for the remission of your sins and to identify yourself with Christ. This is just the first step to a lifelong journey of growing in truth and love with the God who created this earth and everything in it, including every human being that has ever lived. Bible verses related to this post: Isaiah 29:13; 2 Timothy Chapter 3, Matthew 15:8-9; Matthew 5:27-28; Matthew 5:27-28; Leviticus Chapter 18 and Chapter 5:2; 2 Timothy 4:2-3; Proverbs 8:1-3; Matthew Chapter 24; Matthew Chapter 25; Revelation Chapter 6; John 16:2-3; Proverbs 22:6 references: https://barna.org/research/culture-media/research-release/americas-new-moral-code#.V2MxePkrIdU http://www.historytoday.com/blog/2011/07/alarming-increase-wars http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/world/war/ https://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/may/20/armed-conflict-deaths-increase-syria-iraq-afghanistan-yemen http://www.cnn.com/2011/10/21/justice/gang-membership-increase/ http://www.cbsnews.com/news/a-murder-a-minute/ http://apps.who.int/iris/bitstream/10665/131056/1/9789241564779_eng.pdf?ua=1&ua=1 http://www.who.int/mediacentre/factsheets/fs239/en/ http://caliser.com/when-selfies-go-wrong-deadly-selfies/2/ https://www.theguardian.com/society/2015/sep/04/millennials-see-themselves-as-greedy-self-absorbed-and-wasteful-study-finds http://www.nytimes.com/2003/03/18/health/scientists-explore-the-molding-of-children-s-morals.html?pagewanted=all http://www.equalitynow.org/node/1010 https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/cutting-edge-leadership/201206/why-so-many-us-lie-cheat-and-steal http://www.economist.com/news/leaders/21699116-how-combat-dangerous-rise-antibiotic-resistance-when-drugs-donu2019t-work http://www.drugfree.org/newsroom/national-study-confirms-teen-drug-use-trending-in-wrong-direction-marijuana-ecstasy-use-up-since-2008-parents-feel-ill-equipped-to-respond/ Many today are going about their daily lives acting as if, 'all is alright in the world'; eating and drinking and making merry, partying, clubbing, being entertained and spending countless time and resources on mindless/unholy/addicting movies and TV shows like Scandal or the NBA/NFL, the American Idol type shows, or they are completely oblivious to what is going on in the world because their minds and souls are enslaved by drugs and alcohol and abominable sexual lusts/passions. While the world and America is being euthanized, the satanic 'one world government' is being set up right before our very eyes; and yet most do not even care or even want to see the truth. Adolf Hitler, one of the most evil men in human history made some very chilling but true statements, one of them so perfectly describes the American people it is downright chilling, "How fortunate for governments that the people they administer don't THINK." Myself and many others are crying out for the people to: Those of us who see the writing on the wall are labeled 'crazy', 'conspiracy nuts', 'pessimists'. Many of the people who don't believe us claim to be Christians. It is strange how one could call themselves 'Christian' and read the Bible, which talks about a coming 'One World Government' with 'one' leader, Satan, and still not believe. They ignore, disbelieve all the many signs all over the world of a culmination of the behind the scenes and the not-so-behind the scenes plans to bring to fruition what has been clearly prophesied by Jesus, Daniel, Isaiah, Paul, and fully explained in Revelations of a 'coming one world government'. Right now, at this very moment, laws are being passed, and statues are being put in place to usher in this one world government. Just as the Bible predicted thousands of years ago. We were not told the exact 'how' this one world government would come about except that there will be a 'world war 3', and satan will rise up from this last world war to be the fake 'savior' of the world. Do you think the Bible is a just a book full of fairy tales, make believe stories? What more proof do you need? There are scientific, verifiable evidence of the very real events predicted in the Bible in the Old Testament and the New that did come to pass like the destruction of Jerusalem and Babylon, and other ancient pagan empires like the Medes/Persians. And how can a 'Christian' ignore/not see that the prediction about the LAST DAY in 2 Timothy Chapter 2 verses 1 through 14 EXACTLY describes the current state of the human race. Yes, there are some passages that are metaphorical, but in others it is absolutely talking about actual events that have and will take place. Most Americans are not paying attention to the life altering, all critical fact that we are on the tipping point of the most important times in human history. The very freedoms that made America great are systematically being taken away, one law, one unrighteous judgement at a time to usher in the satanic one world government. But Jesus said before Satan is revealed: "For then there will be great tribulation, such as not been since the beginning of the world until this time, no, nor shall be." Matthew 24:21 Why am writing about this? Because Jesus told me and those who call themselves Christians to. Jesus said, "And this gospel of the kingdom (to include the coming tribulation and what it entails) WILL BE PREACHED IN ALL THE WORLD AS A WITNESS TO ALL THE NATIONS, AND THEN THE END WILL COME." Matthew 24:14. Those who have the truth are not to keep it hidden under a basket, but to yell it from the roof tops! "It is the fool who thinks he cannot be fooled." quoted Joey Skaggs a famous American prankster. Those who don't believe we are living in the last days say things like: 'All you 'doomsdayers' are crazy, stop trying to scare people with your war mongering you are stupid and idiots and haters of mankind. oh God will not hurt America or the world, He is God of love and peace, you are being critical and judgemental by telling people they need to repent from their sins or they will go hell, that's mean and unloving. God loves all people and He will not send any one to hell. America is not going end, that's impossible, we have a great military.THERE IS NO COMING ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT.' So, there have been no talks or statements, or actions to unite the world under one governing body? Really? You can pull film after film of US Government Presidents since Woodrow Wilson and other leaders making statements about 'The New WORLD ORDER'. The first attempts in our time to unite the world under one government began with the creation of the League of Nations which failed and the U.N. was born in 1945 after World War 2. Since the beginning, Satan has been a deceiver and liar, but he can present himself as an angel of light. The Bible tells us that he, Satan, will fool the world through 'peace'. It was the concern for 'peace' in the world that the U.N. was founded, The Universal Governing Body. Since then, it has been the building blocks for the coming new world order. It's interesting that at the beginning there were only 51 countries who signed up to participate in the U.N. Now there are over 193. And the mantra has always been, 'peace, peace, we only want peace.' The U.N. has propagated its "New Universal Agenda". The headquarters of the U.N. is in New York. The complex was completed in 1952. Another very interesting fact is John D. Rockefeller, one of the most famous/richest men in American history, is the one who donated the land for the U.N. to be housed on. Here is one of his quotes: Your eyes don't deceive you, he said, 'world government'. Hitler may have been evil incarnate, he did have some very poignant statements that are very true about the human condition: Another puppet of Satan was a man by the name of Edward Bernays, he was called, "The Father of Public Relations", and was named as on of the top 100 influential persons in the 20th Century by Life Magazine, and was the author of a book called 'Propaganda', which argued that the manipulation of the masses was necessary for democracy. It was his beliefs and actions that were the birth of our current lying and deceiving news/media/advertising organizations. Mr. Bernays believed and propagated that 'the elite' were to control and manipulate the public through the public media. He viewed 'the masses as being 'irrational' and 'animalistic'; he too had a vision of a 'world wide utopian society', that could be "harnessed and channeled by a corporate elite for economic benefit." "Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. ...We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of." Wikipedia. Hitler's Nazi Regime was not the first to try to take over the world, it was just one of many others who had 'world domination' on their minds. What makes you think that there will not be another? History shows us over and over, someone always wants to take over the world. It's not a movie or a fictional concept. What is the current problem with ISIS/Muslims? They want the world to be under complete Islamic rule. They are not content with just staying in Africa, no they want to take over the WORLD! It's no secret they want to set up a World Caliphate. It is amazing how 'blind' the American people are, and our 'president' shakes hands, gives millions to OUR ENEMIES! 'Islam is a religion of peace'. What??? It's so easy to get off topic with this subject. Back to the purpose of this post. The coming one world government. Steps to move everything -money, power, authority, trading, communications, monitoring, policing, religion-, everything under one global elite system IS in process. One area that is currently in the news, in the US, a few senators are trying to put a stop to President Obama's plan to turn over US leadership authority of the technical functions of the internet domain name system (DNS) to the 'global Internet multistakeholder community'. This has probably gone over many peoples heads, many don't even understand what this means or are even aware of it, and even if they do know they don't care saying, 'It's no big deal'. I won't go fully into how serious this is, you can click the links below to read for yourself: Protecting Internet Freedom Act. The point of bring this up is the internet is one of the greatest inventions mankind as designed. It has allowed unprecedented communication, education and has given people access to information they normally would not have. But there is a difference between the US and other countries when it comes to internet usage. For now, America is free, the internet is free, content has free range. Now I might not agree with everything that is on the internet such as pornography, but I completely understand the fact that if it's going to be free it must be completely free or not free at all. I believe completely in the freedom of speech, even the depraved, hate spewing speech, because they are free to say what they want and I am free to say what I want. But there are some who don't like the fact that America has freedom of speech. Even some 'Americans' want to put limits on 'freedom of speech'. Laws are being passed making it a law that preachers can't call sin, sin; that they can't say, 'homosexuals and all sinners who won't repent are going to hell'. This is sad day for America. When people are told what they can and can't say, we are no longer a free country but a dictatorship. This move by Obama places the control of the Internet into unknown global hands. Dictator ran countries like China, Russia, North Korea, Iraq and others most definitely restrict and monitor what information their citizens can access on the internet. What's so sad is those in America who want internet restrictions/freedom of speech restrictions just don't get the fact they can say/post/create stupid and asinine stuff is BECAUSE they have the FREEDOM to do so in the US! Many of the things done and said on American communication avenues like the internet/TV/social media is not allowed in those other countries. But the order of today in the US is everyone-except Christians- can say and do what ever they want. A young woman can wear the scantiest two piece bathing suit and walk down the street and there is nothing wrong with that, it doesn't matter if it offends others, she has a 'right' to wear what she wants. Oh, but I can't say to her, 'your exposure offends me'. It's okay for sinners to offend but not for Christians to call what they are doing sin and tell them the consequence of sin. The internet is one the most important tools used in the world today, people do their banking, money transactions, correspondence, even medical records are now being stored electronically and transferred through the internet, private information is stored in the internet. It is important for the global elite to take control of this very powerful and influential tool. This is the world we are living in now, it is ripe for the picking, for Satan to stand up and take charge, his harvest is full. One other story and I will close. The 'Universal Agenda ' that was enacted by the U.N. in September 2015. One of their goals:
This sound great, like utopia, the false belief that mankind can save themselves, and make the world into a peaceful, 'star track' like community. People, we have history to show WE ARE INCAPABLE of saving ourselves. What this 'agenda' does not address are the UNDERLYING reasons we have ongoing problems like poverty/war/violence/hatred/genocide in the first place. You would think we would have learned our lesson by now, surely if we are 'evolved' beings, should we not have evolved into living better? It's survival of the fittest right? Would not all the 'weak' genes be killed off and only the best of the best, the elite be living? Obviously the answer is NO, we are not evolved beings, we were created by God, and cursed by God. And this curse is every person who ever lived, that is why we have THE SAME problems we have had since the beginning of time: 'poverty/war/violence/hatred/genocide'. There has NEVER been a time since Adam and Eve were kicked out of the garden has mankind seen complete peace, no poverty, everyone is happy, NEVER. There is ALWAYS some war, some poverty, some disease, some murder, some bad thing happening to people. Unless they can solve the 'sin' and 'Satan' problem they will NEVER achieve the goals of Agenda 21. I will end with the warning to all who will listen and hear and obey the truth: There is going to be a Day of Judgment, and God will judge everyone who has ever lived, His wrath is going to poured out on all the wicked and ungodly. The Good News is Believing in Jesus saves us from the righteous wrath of God. But that is not all, He gives us a new heart and mind NOW, and we receive some of His blessing from heaven NOW and are equipped to be able to live a life that is holy and acceptable to Him NOW.
1. Believe in your heart that Jesus Christ is real, He lived and died and rose from the grave. 2. Believe that you are a sinner, repent-turn from your sins and realize and accept you need Jesus. 3. Confess that Jesus is your Lord and God 4. Find a local Bible preaching church that does obey the commandment for water baptism for the remission of your sins and to identify yourself with Christ. This is just the first step to a lifelong journey of growing in truth and love with the God who created this earth and everything in it, including every human being that has ever lived. Bible verses related to this post: Revelations the entire Chapter; Matthew 24:21; Matthew 24:14; Timothy Chapter 2 verses 1 through 14 references: https://www.ntia.doc.gov/press-release/2016/iana-stewardship-transition-proposal-meets-criteria-complete-privatization; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Nations https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_D._Rockefeller http://www.indiatimes.com/news/india/this-chilling-map-shows-isis-plans-for-world-domination-by-2020_-244010.html http://www.veteranstoday.com/2015/02/17/a-century-of-us-presidents-marching-to-the-beat-of-the-new-world-order/ https://sustainabledevelopment.un.org/post2015/transformingourworld https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward_Bernays Fear is one of the most commonly given into emotion that people suffer from today. Fear is not only an emotion but it is also a thought and belief system. Fear includes anxiety, worry, timidness, and doubt. Why do so many who profess to know Christ, suffer from fear? When I first started writing this post, the first thought that came to my mind was the cartoon character/show 'Scooby Do'. This animated cartoon entertained children and adults for years. It's main theme was how the title character Scooby Do, was a 'scaredy cat', as dogs stereotypically are seen as fearless and brave, but Scooby Do acted like a 'cat' instead: fearful, shaking, and quaking at fake monsters/villains. There are two spiritual implications here: the irrational fear of Scooby and the fact that he was scared of unreal monsters. This is the same scenario for Christians; their fear is irrational and they are afraid of unreal, fake 'monsters'. The 'monsters' in Christians lives are mostly fear of the future and fear of the past. It didn't take much for Scooby Do to become terrified and hide under the bed or jump in Scraggy's arms; the actual 'monster' did not even have to be seen, just the 'thought' of hearing about the monster was enough to send Scooby scampering away to hide. This is an example of a very common irrational and distorted thought pattern called 'Fortune Telling'; when a person 'fortune tells' they assume something 'bad' is going to happen, and this thought leads to feelings of fear and anxiety which leads to unhealthy and cowardly behaviors. What does the Bible have to say about fear? The ONLY thing/One that people are to fear is GOD! Solomon, the wisest man to ever live, concluded after experiencing EVERY pleasure, EVERY man-made materials/entertainment, EVERY activity, that at the end of the whole matter, ALL THAT MATTERS is, "FEAR GOD AND KEEP HIS COMMANDMENTS." Now, I can hear the arguments, "You don't know what I'm going through. There are things to be scared of like being raped or murdered or losing my job or losing my house or losing my kids or getting a disease". Are these issues to be 'concerned' about? Yes, but Christians are not to be afraid of these things;and, most definitely are not to obsess over them either;and that is what many people do, they obsess and live in a constant state of 'fear', shaking and quaking in their boots at imaginary foes. The truth of the matter comes down to one fact: this kind of fear is disbelief of God, pure and simple. 'Oh, but I do believe there is a God, I just can't help being afraid'. If this is the case, what 'about' 'God' do you believe? No where in any passage or in any verse in the Bible are God's people EVER given the 'ok' to be fearful of anything besides Him. NEVER.
If you are a self confessed Christian struggling with the enemy called fear, God has a very crucial warning in Revelation Chapter 21 verse 8, the very first 'sin' that 'people commit and don't repent of' listed that WILL NOT inherit the Kingdom of God are 'the cowardly'(fearful, timid); and right after that 'the unbelieving'. These two sins go hand in hand, because it is unbelief that underlies fear-not believing in God or His power or His abilities or His Word. And something to take note of, fearing in the manner discussed so far is a sin. I'm not calling fear sin, the Word of God is calling it sin. ![]() So what's the solution?
3. Let Go- "Casting all your care upon Him for He cares for you". 1 Peter 5:7 4. SEEK FIRST THE KINGDOM- Instead of worrying or being afraid 5. Pray- "The Lord is far from the wicked, But He hears the prayer of the righteous". Proverbs 15:29. "Rejoice Always" and "Pray without ceasing" In EVERYTHING give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you." 1 Thessalonians 5:17-18. So don't be anxious, fearful, timid, doubting about ANYTHING. Trust- "Trust in the Lord with all your heart (mind, and soul), And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths." Proverbs 3:5 I REPEAT FOR THE FINAL TIME: There is going to be a Day of Judgment, and God will judge everyone who has ever lived, His wrath is going to poured out on all the wicked and ungodly. The Good News is Believing in Jesus saves us from the righteous wrath of God. But that is not all, He gives us a new heart and mind NOW, and we receive some of His blessing from heaven NOW and are equipped to be able to live a life that is holy and acceptable to Him NOW.
1. Believe in your heart that Jesus Christ is real, He lived and died and rose from the grave. 2. Believe that you are a sinner, repent-turn from your sins and realize and accept you need Jesus. 3. Confess that Jesus is your Lord and God 4. Find a local Bible preaching church that does obey the commandment for water baptism for the remission of your sins and to identify yourself with Christ. This is just the first step to a lifelong journey of growing in truth and love with the God who created this earth and everything in it, including every human being that has ever lived. Bible verses related to this post: Isaiah 35:3-4;John 14:27;Joshua 1:9; Psalm 27:1; Matthew 6:33-34; Matthew 6:19 and verse 25;Matthew 10:28; Ezekiel 6:8-10; Isaiah 53:4-5;Psalm 30:5;John 16:33;John 16:18;John 8:24; Hebrews 11:6: Matthew 14; Revelation 4:19;Revelation 3:3; 2 Corinthians 7:10; Romans 2:4;1 Peter 5:7; Psalm 55:22; Proverbs 15:29; 1 Thessalonians 5:17-18; Proverbs 3:5; Isaiah 41:10 references: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scooby-Doo; http://www.christianpost.com/news/5-characteristics-of-true-repentance-to-clear-up-confusion-120018/ ![]() One of the headline stories on BBC news today, June 1st, 2016 was the completion of the world's longest underground speed tunnel in Switzerland. What caught my spiritual eye was one of the statements made by someone in the article praised the engineering feat of man. There were spiritual implications throughout this article and connected articles. One statement showcased was from 1882 by then president of Switzerland, Simeon Bavier, "A triumph of art and science, a monument to work and diligence! The barrier which divided nations as fallen, the [Swiss Alps] have been breached. Countries have moved closer to each other, the world market is open!" A triumph of 'art and science-a triumph to evolutionary beliefs. A 'monument to work and diligence- a monument to the work of mankind. 'Countries have moved closer to other, the world market is open' -a monument to the New World Order. Many prominent European leaders were at the opening of the tunnel celebration. ![]() Another startling piece of the article talked about how they celebrated the opening of the tunnel with an elaborate show with various entertainers. One of the statements was, "The sacrifices of the tunnel miners who died was also commemorated." Sacrificing human beings in pagan rituals is a common activity throughout history. A long standing legend is that thousands of people were sacrificed and intombed in the Great Wall of China. In the Bible, in the Old Testament, God routinely had the Hebrews annihilate pagan communities because they were sacrificing babies, men, and women. Many believe that sacrificing humans will give them some special power. The only human sacrifice that gives real power was the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the Cross of Calvary. 'There's nothing spiritual about this article or the event, you're crazy'- Oh really, there is nothing 'spiritual' about this event???: Another statement, "The area already has the 34km Loetschberg rail tunnel, which opened in 2007, but this latest engineering feat is being hailed by leading members of the Swiss government 'as being of unprecedented significance'". Unprecedented-man made-feat. Now, one could interpret this to mean it's unprecedented in terms of tunnel making, but that is not how I see this statement. As pointed out the in the very article itself, when the big wigs of government showed up, it proved that there was more to this than just the building of a great tunnel. NOT ONCE was any glory given to God for giving man the abilities to create and build. No, all the glory went to the work of man, the genius of man, how great and wonderful man is. For 17 years, 365 days a year, 24 hours a day, and over 2000 people worked on building this tunnel. One tunnel. This is 'so great', but unprecedented feat, I think not! The Holy God in His Mighty Power created the Earth and EVERYTHING IN IT, the Moon, The Sun, the uncountable stars, the uncountable galaxies, Space, Time, Gravity, The sky, land, every kind of creature, mankind, the seas, foliage! How dare they call what man has made unprecedented!! God did ALL THIS IS 6 DAYS!!!!!!!Just HIM, not thousands of people helping him. He SPOKE and ALL THESE THINGS CAME INTO EXISTENCE! No drills, no nails, no concrete, no saws or hammers, no sweat, no glue, no boards or mortar. NOTHING COMPARES TO THE POWER OF GOD! NOTHING! There is going to be a Day of Judgment, and God will judge everyone who has ever lived, His wrath is going to poured out on all the wicked and ungodly. The Good News is Believing in Jesus saves us from the righteous wrath of God. But that is not all, He gives us a new heart and mind NOW, and we receive some of His blessing from heaven NOW and are equipped to be able to live a life that is holy and acceptable to Him NOW.
1. Believe in your heart that Jesus Christ is real, He lived and died and rose from the grave. 2. Believe that you are a sinner, repent-turn from your sins and realize and accept you need Jesus. 3. Confess that Jesus is your Lord and God 4. Find a local Bible preaching church that does obey the commandment for water baptism for the remission of your sins and to identify yourself with Christ. This is just the first step to a lifelong journey of growing in truth and love with the God who created this earth and everything in it, including every human being that has ever lived. Bible verses related to this post: Genesis Chapters 1 and 2 references: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-36416506 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_sacrifice |
AuthorErica Harris is a God Gifted Christian Coach, Counselor, providing insights and truths from the Word of God, The Bible. Archives
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