As I look back on my life, I can see clearly how God has guided and protected me DESPITE my walking in disobedience for so many years. Any person who is truly looking for that 'NARROW' road that FEW find can understand part of my journey and this fundamental absolute Truth: "There is nothing more important, or worth all your time, all your money, all your talents/resources, all your attention, all of your energies than the Glorification of Jesus Christ!" Trip Lee-2016 Cross 2016. Many people mistakenly believe that once you decide to become a Christian, that 'instantly' your life is changed and everything will be good, that your life will be prosperous, you can get rich, and have no problems (this is unfortunately taught by many false prophets/preachers today). This is partly true. Yes, when we make the conscious, willful decision to follow Christ we are a "new creation" as stated in 2 Corinthians Chapter 5 verse 17, "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new." But this verse has to be miscorrectly understood within its context. Now I don't want to spend too much time on the concept of sanctification, which is a very lengthy topic, but just want to establish the foundation of this post. Sanctification in simple terms means being made into the image of Christ; it's a life long process. As we walk in the light, it's like changing clothes; at first we take off our shoes-we change some friends we used to hang with; then we take off our old socks-we stop watching some TV shows we used to enjoy; we take off our shirt-we start reading the bible more and more...this process is normal for all believers, but each believer goes through the process differently. Some people are still wearing those old dirty underwear-our old sins- because they are comfortable, they are habits, some are addictions. As a Christian, we are to willfully allow God to do His perfect work in us, Jesus prayed to His Father for us, "Sanctify them by Your Truth, You word is Truth." John 17:17. God will not force us to change; He gives everyone free will to follow Him completely. We don't understand, we deceive ourselves believing that we can compromise, divide our hearts between God and our selfish interests and still call ourselves "Christian". ![]() It is with this verse that my willful membership in the Black Greek Letter Organization- Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. (AKA) came into question. Again, becoming a Christian is not "instant holiness", it's a process. Since being baptized into the kingdom of God, He has been working on me, I started the process of letting the works of Satan go and putting on the works of righteousness, but that does not mean I have not continued to sin at times. I have read the bible completely numerous times, but one aspect that true believers understand and experience is that the Bible is alive, it's not just ink and paper, it is the living/breathing/active presence of the Most Holy God. Many Christians can testify to the point that they can read and re-read the same passage and get a different application/different understanding from it without changing its true meaning, but there is a serious problem in the body today: the misinterpretation of scripture. God's word is not incorrect, it is perfect, it's our own twisted, misinterpretations of His word that are incorrect. It is true that anyone can make the scriptures say what they want it to say, that is how we have all these thousands of different denominations, sects, and many other religions. "Well I think that baptism means just sprinkling water on a person's head" "Jesus never preached against homosexuality, so it must be okay with God" "Jesus was Satan's brother" "God hardens men's hearts so He can't blame me for sinning" "If I work really hard, God has to accept me". "There is no good or evil man is in charge of their own destiny." "I can live any way I want, the grace of God covers me." These are a few examples of some the heretical beliefs many people hold. Many will and have questioned why I decided to renounce my membership in AKA. "What's wrong with being in a sorority? They do community service, they have sisterhood." or "Why can't you be an AKA (or other Greek/Mason) and a Christian?" For many years, 22 years to be exact, I rationalized why I stayed an active member with these very rationalizations, "What's wrong with being in a sorority, they do so many 'good' activities in the community; I have 'sisters' all over the world." Like many, I enjoyed the special status; when you wear the 'pink and green' jacket with the superiority with the secret meetings, selective criteria. For years, I spent nonredeemable amounts of time, money, talents to support and promote the ideals of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority. On the outside it looks like being an AKA is part of the good life, it's all glitter and gold, that is the facade they want you to believe. When you wear the symbols "AKA", people instantly know and identify you as being a member of this particular sorority. They don't see you or God, they see only the sorority and what the sorority represents. I had the pride of being a part of a selective group of women with supposed high standards. "It's about service to all mankind", they even throw in "Jesus" in some of their rituals and prayers. To a Christian being deceived, it's like novocaine, "They talk about Christ so it must be a Christian organization". But what does the Bible say? Jesus said that you will know His TRUE followers by their fruits. Jesus said, "You will know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes from thornbushes or figs from thistles? Even so, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit." Matthew 7:16-18. What is so sad today is how many compromise the gospel, blatant clear commandments ignored, twisted to support every kind of immoral lifestyle. Many believe they can follow God and still engage in wicked activities. I have seen these posts on social media/the internet: "Open, practicing Gay Pastor" "Christian Lesbian" "Christian Witch" "Christian Muslim-Hindu-Buddhist"; Single's ministries are used to hook up and commit fornication then are in church every Wednesday and Sunday 'praising' God. Many think there are many ways to God, everyone's belief is correct, that is okay to combine Christian concepts with Satanic concepts and that is okay with God. What is CRYSTAL CLEAR is that God does NOT support any compromise or combining His word with works of darkness. We get a clear picture of what God thinks about alternative worship activities in Leviticus Chapter 10 verses 1-2, "Then Nadab and Abihu, the sons of Aaron, each took his censer and put fire in it, put incense on it, and offered profane fire before the LORD, which He had not commanded them, and they died before the LORD." Nadab and Abihu tried to approach God in the way they thought was OKAY but their wrong belief cost them their very lives. There is a way that seems right to man but it only leads to death. The truth is so clear if a person is willing to see it. A verse that should 'terrify' those who say they are Christians, is given by Jesus: Jesus warns us that not everyone who calls them self a Christian is going to get into heaven; and the even scarier part is it some of the 'working' ones Jesus says He "never knew them"! So a very serious question must be asked when we are doing things that we 'think' are truly for God. Yes, sororities and fraternities do a lot of community service but that does NOT mean they are godly. Jesus says that even evil people love other people and do 'good' works too. That means that evil people take care of their family, give money, donate their time, volunteer, etc. Now I am not saying that every member of these organizations is evil, only God knows the true standing of individuals; but, I am proclaiming that the umbrella organizations-the sororities/fraternity entities are works of Satan. Satan loves to deceive people into believing that God is okay with compromising His Word. Satan loves to get us performing his works of darkness thinking we are doing them for God. Jesus saved His most condemning statements for the religious folks in His day. The Pharisees thought that all the money and time and sacrifices they made put them in right standing before God, but Jesus revealed the truth about those 'pretenders' those 'hypocrites' in the whole book of Matthew Chapter 23. A summation of this entire chapter is: the Pharisees on the outside 'appeared' to very 'godly' doing many different activities but inside they were "blind guides" "hypocrites" "fools" "ravenous wolves" "whitewashed tombs 'which appear beautiful outwardly, but inside are full of dead men's bones and all uncleanness." ON THE OUTSIDE THEY LOOK BEAUTIFUL BUT ON THE INSIDE THEY ARE FULL OF DEAD MEN'S BONES They appear beautiful on the outside; This is the epitome of an AKA. The chants proclaim this false belief: Many "Christians" today are ignorant of God's Word. The words we speak have power. We will have to give an account for EVERY idle word we have said. Life and death are in the tongue. These are not just simple sayings, they are profound truths! When we take oaths and make chants we are speaking either life or death into the spirit world. And Christians are not to make any oaths at all, just let our Yes be Yes or our No be No because EVERYTHING ELSE IS FROM THE DEVIL (Matthew 5:37). I'm not here to air dirty laundry, but what I can say is this, people on the outside do not know what is really going on in the inside of these sororities/fraternities. Some of the heinous acts are known to the public like the illegal/underground hazing/partying/drinking, (see the 2017 movie Burning Sands) but there are many other kinds of wickedness evident throughout the divine 9 and other secret society organizations. Jesus says, "Come to me ALL who are weary and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." Matthew 11:28; The sororities and fraternities call only those who are worthy-on the surface-they claim they invite those of high ethical/moral/scholastic standards, behind the scenes you have to look a certain way, dress a certain way, and have lots of money. They are very selective and once you sign on the dotted line, THERE IS NO REST; if you are an active member of one of these Greek organizations-first, in order for you to be real you must agree to be subjected to an underground illegal and ungodly hazing/pledge process. On the surface-all fraternities/sororities have anti-hazing laws, but behind the cold doors, hazing is still actively done throughout most of these Greek organizations. The activities women and men will do to join one of these programs is mind-boggling; so many deaths, injuries to pledges have been reported, but many self-professed Christians can't be bothered to do anything for God's kingdom. Jesus Christ took our stripes upon His Own body for our sins so we would not have to. But countless men and women willingly allow themselves to be physically beaten, bodies branded with heated objects, humiliated, shamed, engage in unsafe sex , eat/drink alcohol or water or other strange/bizarre types of food/no food like feces/urine in excess to point of bodily harm-all to join their particular Greek frat/sorority. Once you cross you will spend thousands of dollars in assessments/conferences/events/paraphernalia; you will spend countless hours in meetings, volunteering; if you hold an officer position it is almost like having a second full-time job. God has been working on me for the past few years, I had been letting some things go, but I was still holding onto AKA but I was not fully connected to AKA, I felt like an outsider. The closer I got to God, really reading and studying His Word, my eyes started to be open about my involvement in this sorority. It is very chilling to learn how easily we can deceive ourselves. For years I blindly served AKA when I should have been severing God. Yes, we serve God by serving other people but the key difference is the work I did for AKA promoted AKA, not God. Jesus tells us what the greatest commandment is in Mark 12 verse 30. And you shall love the LORD your God with all of your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind and with all your strength.' This is the first commandment. This verse is crystal clear, we are to love God with ALL /TOTAL/COMPLETE/100% of our heart. I knew this Scripture but was not really applying in my life. How could I say I love God with all of my heart and then turn around and proclaim that I love AKA with all my heart, mind, strength? God does not share. He wants us all or nothing. Jesus says this plainly in Revelations Chapter 3 verse 15-17, "I know your works, that you are neither cold nor hot, I could wish you were cold or hot. So then, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will vomit you out of my mouth." and He tells the truth about being 'rich and having no need of anything, "Because you say, 'I am rich, have become wealthy, and have need of nothing-and do you not know that you are wretched, miserable, poor, blind, and naked." and believers are not to be unequally yoked with unbelievers; and idol worship is a sin. What does it mean to be 'conceited'? It's all about Me, Myself, and I; The idol of my worship was myself and AKA. As a Christian, I am to 'deny' myself and seek the kingdom of God above all else. When people see me, I don't want them to see AKA or me, I want them to see Christ, Glorify God. I started to search for others who have made this same decision and it has further opened my eyes to the truth that I needed to leave AKA. I learned of the Satanic origins of the sororities/fraternities. Once my eyes were opened, I could not close them. To stay in AKA with what I KNOW now, would be like Lot's wife looking back toward Sodom and being turned into salt. The Holy Spirit led me to this final verse that describes this thought: FOR WHEN THEY SPEAK GREAT SWELLING WORDS OF EMPTINESS, THEY ALLURE THROUGH THE LUSTS OF THE FLESH, THOUGH LEWDNESS, THE ONE WHO HAVE ESCAPED FROM THOSE WHO LIVE IN ERROR. WHILE THEY PROMISED THEM LIBERTY, THEY THEMSELVES ARE SLAVES OF CORRUPTION; FOR BY WHOM A PERSON IS OVERCOME, BY HIM ALSO HE IS BROUGHT INTO BONDAGE. FOR IF THEY HAVE ESCAPED THE POLLUTION'S OF THE WORLD THE KNOWLEDGE OF THE LORD AND SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST, THEY ARE AGAIN ENTANGLED IN THEM AND OVERCOME, THE LATTER END IS WORSE FOR THEM THAN THE BEGINNING. FOR IT WOULD HAVE BEEN BETTER FOR THEM NOT TO HAVE KNOW IT, TO TURN FROM THE HOLY COMMANDMENT DELIVERED TO THEM. BUT IT HAS HAPPENED TO THEM ACCORDING TO THE TRUE PROVERB: "A DOG RETURNS TO HIS OWN VOMIT' AND "A SOW, HAVING WASHED, TO HER WALLOWING IN THE MUD." 2 PETER 2:18-22 The actions of many today show these seven sad truths are crystal 'clear' : A. They don't read the word of God- "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge" Hosea 4:6. B. They don't believe the word of God- "Who has believed our report? And to whom has the arm of the LORD been revealed?" Isaiah 53:1 C. They don't understand the word of God or misinterpret the word of God- Jesus answered and said to them," You are mistaken, not understanding the Scriptures nor the power of God." Matthew 22:29 D. They don't care about the word of God- "And this is the condemnation, that the light has come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil." Matthew 3:19; E. They twist the word of God to support their wicked lifestyle- "For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers; and they will turn their ears away from the truth, and be be turned aside to fables." 2 Timothy 4:3-4. F. They don't believe that God cares about what they do or say because "He is a forgiving 'god'.- "But the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars shall have their part in the lake of fire which burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death." Revelation 21:8 G. They believe that everyone gets to heaven no matter what they believe or do- "Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it, because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life,and there are few who find it." Matthew 7:13 Once I made the decision to denounce my membership in Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Inc, not half way but completely-I mailed back their pin with a letter of decision to leave the sorority; and gave away/threw away all of my AKA paraphernalia; this post was my final step in proclaiming to the world, WHO I serve this day, it The Great I am, the One and only True God, Jesus Christ My Lord and Savior; this opened up new doors that I had no idea what God had in store for me. I will talk about this on my next post about "What are you doing to block God's blessings for your life". I have come to this decision with a clear conscience and a pure heart. I tell my testimony to help those who are seeking truth. The truth can be found if you are willing to look for it and the truth will set you free. **Update 3/23/2018- I have received my official letter from the sorority that I am no longer identified as an AKA, HALLELUJAH! Do I regret my decision, ABSOLUTELY NOT! There is no question or doubt in my mind of the truth about this and other secret societies. God has honored my faithfulness by opening doors I would never have imagined. No one can serve two masters, you are either serving God or the devil. The devil deceives so many when the truth is readily available for all who have the courage and faith to believe and receive it. **Update 8/23/2018- God is still confirming that He is calling His people out of these Greek/masonic wicked organizations, He led me to become a member of a ministry called "Out From Among Them" which is comprised of brothers and sisters in Christ who have renounced their membership in the various organizations. God is opening doors for this message to get out to the people. We had our first "Truth Tour" July 28th 2018, we have been invited to other churches around the US to bring this message to their cities as well. Men and women who find our blogs/messages are deciding to denounce, some are considering what God is telling them. If you are a member or considering being a member of a Greek or Masonic or any other organization that is questionable click on this link for more information and guidance to get out or encouragement to not get in: outfromamongthemministry whyIdenouncedAKAtherituals WhyIdenouncedAKAthepledge IdolatryinBlackGreekFraternitiesandSororities Other Sister's In Christ's own Testimonies of Renouncing AKA: DenouncingAKADenouncingGreeklife WhyIdenouncedAKA WhyIdenouncedAlphaKappaAlpha SeriesontheidolatryofAKA ,*Update 10/20/2020- I am still standing on the truth God revealed to me back in 2017, Greek Fraternities/Sororities/Freemasonry are NOT OF GOD! I came across a movie I had never seen before, The Burning Sands. This movie came out the year I denounced. My God, that movie, although pornographic, displays exactly the true underlying wickedness of these organizations. There is nothing good at all about these godless, Satan worshiping organizations. Update 2/23/2022- Praise the LORD! I'm still going strong with the continued conviction about the truthfulness about the wickedness of Greek Organizations including the one I denounced and renounced in 2017. Since my repentance from willingly serving another god for many years, the Lord has continued to open the eyes and broken the hard hearts of hundreds and thousands of men and women who are letting go of their membership in the various BGLO's/Freemason/Eastern/Wiccan etc.. There are hundreds of renouncement/denouncement videos, group podcasts exposing the truth about the foundations of all Greek organizations, Freemasonry, which is the cover for Satan worship. There is ongoing dialogue via varying media platforms disputing and teaching about all the aspects of Greek membership and how the Bible is clearly in opposition to all that is linked to Greek activities and membership. Several books have been published by ex-members given deep insight into their time and eventual departure from their Greek organization. Several other books exposing all the rituals and foundational history of the Greek organizations have also been published. There is going to be a Day of Judgment, and God will judge everyone who has ever lived, His wrath is going to pour out on all the wicked and ungodly. The eyes of the unrepentant wicked need to be opened and the ears unplugged so they can see and hear the truth. The Good News is Jesus Christ, God in the flesh, born of a virgin; Jesus lived and died but He rose from Dead and now offers anyone who will believe in Him Salvation. Salvation is a free gift from God, anyone who will believe will know and have a real relationship with the true God. You can't work for it or buy because the price has already been paid with the Blood of Jesus Christ and Believing in Jesus gets us into the Kingdom of God and saves us from the righteous wrath of God. But that is not all, He gives us a new heart and mind NOW, and we receive some of His blessings from heaven NOW and are equipped to be able to live a life that is holy and acceptable to Him NOW. 1. Believe in your heart that Jesus Christ is real, He lived and died and rose from the grave. 2. Believe that you are a sinner, repent-turn from your sins and realize and accept you need Jesus. 3. Confess that Jesus is your Lord and God 4. Find a local Bible-preaching, not twisting or adding/deleting from the Word of God, a church that does not pacify sin, a church that does obey the commandment for water baptism for the remission of your sins and to identify yourself with Christ and preaches about the kingdom of God. This is just the first step to a lifelong journey of growing in truth and love with the God who created this earth and everything in it, including every human being that has ever lived. Bible verses related to this post: John 17:16-17; Philippians 2:13; Hosea 4:6; Exodus 20:3; Isaiah 53:1; 2 Corinthians 5:17; Matthew 22:29; Matthew 6:33; Matthew 7:13-14; Matthew 7:15-20; Romans 13:1-7; Ephesians 4:29; John 8:7; 2 Timothy 4:3-4; 1 John 3: 4-10; 2 Corinthians 4:4; Matthew 11:28; Revelations 4:15-17; Proverbs 18:21; Matthew 12:36; Mark 12:30; Revelation 21:8; Matthew 5:33-34; 2 Peter 18-22; Matthew 7:13; Leviticus Chapter 10 verses 1-2 References: Cross 2016-You Were Built to Brag-Trip Lee: ;
7/8/2017 02:32:03 pm
Still my sister in Christ. Love you.
I have a guy who claims to live me is from kappa alpha phsi I don't trust him what should I do I don't want to marry him I find it very odd that a man like that would take an intrest in me I know he doesn't know who I am in Christ but its going to be a shock for him when he finds out or maybe he does know
8/12/2021 02:55:54 pm
It's six months since you put your question out there. I hope this response gets to you in time. 4/14/2022 10:23:48 am
I loved watching the interview from a year ago with the 5 ladies who denounced AKa I have as well and I am waiting on my letter of denouncement as well. I would love to get in touch. Thanks for sharing your truth.
June T
3/22/2018 07:28:54 am
My sister I ran across your message and wanted to encourage you for speaking (and not compromising) the gospel of Jesus Christ. Your testimony is very similar to mine. In 1996, the year of my ten year line anniversary in AKA sorority, the Holy Spirit spoke to my heart to come COMPLETELY OUT of this organization. I did not understand why the Lord was leading me this way, but I OBEYED. As I grew in Christ I saw the unholiness that I had in the past and in the present as I continued to be active in a graduate chapter in my home country.
6/25/2018 06:24:52 pm
Your story is very compelling. I strongly applaud you for your faith in God and stepping out on faith.
Anella R Coleman
7/8/2018 11:22:04 am
God bless you for sharing!
8/22/2018 04:13:27 am
Wow!! I feel like God is speaking to me on this. Please say a prayer for me.
8/23/2018 12:21:25 pm
ADE I will pray for you, feel free to out me if you want more help.
10/10/2018 02:13:42 pm
Hello,I am also an ex member of AKA and my husband and ex member of Omega Psi Phi. Our stories are very similar if not the same. I wrote a blog post in 2012 and since then many people from different organization have reached out to me asking me questions or thanking me for my testimony. Continue the Godly work!!!
11/30/2018 06:32:01 am
You were right on time for me with this powerful message. In more ways than you will every know. Thank You So Much:)))
12/5/2018 09:28:27 am
Tara if you want any support let me know, to God be the Glory!
Jaleh L.
1/12/2019 10:24:05 pm
Thank you for your testimony! The Holy Spirit has drawn me to a You Tube video that has been on my feed regarding a lady who denounced Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. I finally decided to click on it and it caused me to research further and my eyes were opened. I felt tricked, deceived, and convicted. I asked the Lord to please forgive me, and I am in the process of officially denouncing. I want to serve God whole heartedly in spirit and in truth. I want to ask you about the specifics of your denouncement letter to corporate. Was it straight to the point, for example, "I am denouncing membership in (sorority) and please remove me from all records"? Period. Or did you explain why as well? Thank you!
1/12/2019 11:47:23 pm
Jalen, Praise God you have seen the truth, I give God all the glory. I typed up simple letter explaining why I was denouncing, because of my conviction from God and got it notarized, mailed it and my pin, and certificate to corporate.
Jaleh L.
1/13/2019 01:09:02 am
Thank you!
1/13/2019 05:35:34 am
Also check out our group
Jaleh L.
1/13/2019 04:01:40 pm
Oh, I didn't know you were a part of Before I found your blog, I had actually ran across your group's site through another source and I got a lot of good information from your group.
Jaleh L.
2/21/2019 09:57:32 pm
How long did it take for you to receive a response from corporate?
2/23/2019 12:48:01 pm
It took me over a year before I received response/letter from corporate.
Monica Johnson
4/1/2019 07:33:39 am
I am glad I found your page..before now my home was divided. Husband an inactive Mason man, my girls wanted to be involved with AKA and the other DELTA. I'm affiliated with none. I knew nothing about this stuff and thus very ignorant to the point I was trying to help my girls find all the information I could so they could be ready if they were ever asked. Trying to find the clumsy, and meetings fir their ages and the like. Momma didnt know better then but I know better now. Thank you for speaking out against something that I didnt even no was wrong. No need to join another group to feel like you belong we are already apart of a greater family known as the Christian family. Blessings to you. Keep spreading the word for people like me.
Almost there
11/1/2019 08:19:53 pm
Guidance needed. Contact me.
11/2/2019 06:26:25 am
Hello, you can contact me through the form on my website,
1/16/2020 03:06:54 am
God Almighty Bless you ma for this.... I relate with your encounter with Christ Jesus, though a gradual process, but finally climax to either God Almighty fully or the devil... This day choose who you will follow, not partly, but fully
10/20/2020 08:01:54 am
Rev Dr Eliyanah Baldwin
10/22/2020 11:35:35 am
Idimin Eldridge
3/6/2021 03:06:55 pm
I will say this to add to the truth. God nor Jesus never once called us Christians. Christianity just like Satanism are religions, God is a Spirit and he sent Jesus to die for his people. He sprung up out of the tribe of Israel we who are Israelites are his people. He's the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob and he made a promise to King David which is the tribe Jesus was born, Judah. We are still living in the old testament, the book of Daniel. I am Daniel.
Idimin Eldridge
3/6/2021 03:10:33 pm
Tribe of Judah is the tribe Jesus sprung up from. We are the descendants of Shem he had 3 sons, including Ham and Japheth. We were told we were descendants of Ham and that's far from the truth.
Rev Eliyanah
3/6/2021 04:26:51 pm
The Bible teaches Jesus is the Word who became flesh (John 1:1, 14). The Word says in Acts 11:26, "the disciples were first called Christians." Christianity is not a religion, it is a relationship with Yahweh through His only begotton Son, the risen Savior of the world, Jesus Christ the Messiah.
Catherine Jones
4/23/2021 09:09:41 pm
This was so powerful and I thank God for raising up such a powerful Sister AND ministry! OUR SISTERHOOD is TRUE sisterhood by the blood of Jesus Christ! I’ve tried telling some people I know this very thing that you shared but they reject the truth for reasons that you pointed out. But it takes us going through the experience for God to pull us out and work it for our good to HIS glory! Hey gave you the testimony so that no one can say that you don’t know why you’re talking about. They can either accept and repent or reject. And we both know what happens when we reject: our sins will correct us. Thank you my sister and I’m praying for your ministry! Sending you my love from Maryland.
Samuel Powell
2/14/2022 05:34:15 am
My soon to be wife is a member of aka and I used to be a 32nd mason which I denounced recently but I would love prayer that the Lord will give me the words to express the truth to here
2/14/2022 06:57:15 am
Will do, encourage her to look at several videos because many people are coming out of these wicked organizations.
Marcus M
2/15/2022 02:28:08 pm
In the Bibles Verses section, it mentions Revelation 4:15-17. I believe you may have intended to point to Esther 4:15-17.
3/13/2022 04:15:45 pm
This was such a good read. Recently had a woman who is AKA really just tear me down and say hateful things that really hurt my feelings. She's passing this attitude and "say whatever you think" attitude to her daughter. She prides herself on being AKA which shows me just how hypocritical they are. Althought hurt I'm working on forgiving her. I don't want to be mean and I want to show Christ love. This has been a difficult event in my life.
3/13/2022 05:28:11 pm
Hello Ashley, thanks for the feedback. You can outreach me for support because I know that difficulties in this life can be overwhelming.
Jane Lynn
6/28/2023 07:52:30 am
My issue with this article & others like it is that the author speaks about her whys but never, ever gives specific examples of the organization doing these things. Did you go to a meeting & leaders state denounce God, did they say worship aka & not God? What examples did you experience vs your feelings? Did they say be in bondage with us & not God? Did they say no don't go to church & worship together? Don't we all see aka's praying, worshiping & ministering the word of God? Help a sister out & provide specific examples of what was said, done, practiced . Thanks!
Erica Harris
6/28/2023 08:39:49 am
The issue is Greek Organizations like AKA, claim they are based on Christian principles. The point of my and other's like me putting out messages like this is not to air "dirty laundry" for the specific chapters we were a part of. Just because they "go to church" does not mean they are Christians. Some members are atheists, Buddhists, and Wiccans, other religions other than what is clearly the "narrow road" of true belief in Jesus Christ, but they will participate in so-called "godly" activities. Yes, as a member for 21 years, I saw members, including myself, commit almost every sin there is. Do we from the out from among them group need to talk about what specifically happened to make the point that these organizations are not of God? No. As this article and many other articles, videos, and books break down clearly the overarching points of the wickedness of these groups. The Bible is clear, God is not okay with blending biblical scriptures with pagan ones which ALL the Greek organizations do in their rituals. Just because "AKA's are praying, worshiping, ministering, etc. does not prove they are Christians. There are Wiccans, the LGBTQ agenda, etc who all take the Bible to twist the Word to support their wicked lifestyle. I am confused, what more examples are you needing- you can google, hazing where so many have died, young men and women doing "whatever" to join their hearts' desired organization. Of course, to deceive they are going to tell prospective members, they are a godly organization, but once a person joins, they are open to what really goes on inside these evil organizations. They say you can worship God and AKA as a god, matter of fact, every month, and at special meetings, on a regular basis, AKA pledge their hearts, their minds, and their strength to serve God? No to serve and obey AKA.
10/1/2023 04:45:34 pm
I joined National Honor Society when I was in high school. There were no special rituals just signing our name in a book next to candles. The ceremony was part of a school assembly and we received a pin. In college I joined Psi Chi and my university's chapter of National Collegiate Scholars. I attended a few meetings for these organization, but was not an active participant. Looking back, these were a waste of money. I don't have any paraphernalia for Psi Chi or National Collegiate Scholars. I recently asked Psi Chi to remove me from their membership. The only societal paraphernalia I have is a sweatshirt from National Honor Society with my last name on the back (like a jersey). When you chose to denounce your sorority, did you get rid of any paraphernalia? Also, are academic societies as sinful as greek life? Please let me know as soon as you can. Thank you!
12/4/2023 03:48:21 pm
To the creator of this website and all parties involved in with the content and design, please remove my picture from your website.
Erica Harris
12/4/2023 04:08:20 pm
Which picture is yours?
12/4/2023 04:26:55 pm
The photo just above “ its all about service to mankind” Leave a Reply. |
AuthorErica Harris is a God Gifted Christian Coach, Counselor, providing insights and truths from the Word of God, The Bible. Archives
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