![]() As the rate of those who believe the Bible is true and are real followers of Christ continues to decline, what the world will be like when Satan's one world government comes into full power is quickly becoming a realization. As many in the church stay silent while the liberal, Satanic agenda pushes more sinful laws and outlaws truth, the world is welcoming Satan with open arms. The Satanic motto promoted by the wicked Aleister Crowley "Do what thou will" is being accepted by more and more people every day. What is a preview of a One World Government where the Bible and what it says is outlawed? Let's look at the state of current affairs. Why are thousands of people dying monthly from drug overdoses? Why do people turn to opiates, alcohol, cocaine, benzodiazepines for comfort? In one year, drug overdoses killed more Americans than the entire Vietnam War did 2015 was the worst year for drug overdose deaths in US history. Then 2016 came along.By German Lopez@germanrlopez[email protected] Updated Jun 8, 2017, 1:17pm EDT Why are thousands of adolescents a month trying to kill themselves? Is not the godless public school system giving the kids what they need? Is not teaching them that they are nothing more than molecules or evolved animals not helping their self esteem? Leading causes of death Leading causes of deaths among adolescents aged 15–19 years:
If the hedonistic sexual doctrines that homosexuality, beastiality, pedophelia, fornication, is so good, why is the rate of HIV/other sexually transmitted infections increasing? Thousands of miserable, lonely, people, why are they not satisfied with just "hooking up"? 2016 Sexually Transmitted Diseases Surveillance- STD's Increase Across The Country for Third Year ![]() Music artists promote verses from the Satanic bible. Concerts with up-side-down crosses and other horrific imagery, all in the name of "entertainment" with many who believe they are Christians in the audience, singing, clapping, and dancing along as demons infiltrate their soul. ![]() Pastors promoting, supporting, applauding movies about fornication, murder, witchcraft, adultery as if there is nothing wrong with any of these activities, it's just "entertainment". As the world gets sicker, more depraved, and people continue dying from murders, diseases, drugs, the true Christians must wake from their slumber, remove the scales from their eyes, unplug their stuffed ears, and melt their cold hearts to return to the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. To stop listening to Satan's henchmen that preach you can live a life of sin and still be blessed, that God is a forgiving God and that everyone gets to go to heaven. God is going to judge this world and He does protect His own, His enemies He will utterly destroy on this earth and in hell. Hell is not preached on the TV Faith based television stations neither is it preached in most pulpits in America today. Hell is joked about by musical and entertainment artists. None of them will be laughing when they come face to face with their Creator. There is going to be a Day of Judgment, and God will judge everyone who has ever lived, His wrath is going to poured out on all the wicked and ungodly. The eyes of the unrepentant wicked need to be opened and the ears unplugged so they can see and hear the truth. In order for the children of Satan to become children of God they must believe The Good News , Jesus Christ, God in the flesh, born of a virgin; Jesus lived and died but He rose from Dead, and now offers anyone who will believe in Him Salvation. Salvation is a free gift from God, anyone who will believes in the shed blood of the risen Savior, Jesus, will know and have a real relationship with the true God. You can't work for it or buy because the price has already been paid with the Blood of Jesus Christ and Believing in Jesus gets us into the Kingdom of God and saves us from the righteous wrath of God. But that is not all, He gives us a new heart and mind NOW, and we receive some of His blessing from heaven NOW and are equipped to be able to live a life that is holy and acceptable to Him NOW. (Romans 6:9; 10:9-13, Ephesians 2:8, Isaiah 7:14, 2 Corinthians 5:18-19).
1. Believe in your heart that Jesus Christ is real, He lived and died and rose from the grave. (Romans 10:9-10) 2. Believe that you are a sinner, repent-turn from your sins and realize and accept you need Jesus. (Mark 1:15, Matthew 4:17, Acts 3:19) 3. Confess with your mouth that Jesus is your Lord and God. (Romans 10:9) 4. Find a local Bible preaching church that does obey the commandment for water baptism for the remission of your sins and to identify yourself with Christ. (Acts 16:31) This is just the first step to a lifelong journey of growing in truth and love with the God who created this earth and everything in it, including every human being that has ever lived. Bible verses related to this post: 2nd Thessalonians 3:31: Matthew 24:22; 2 Corinthians 5:10; Revelation 20:12; 2 Timothy 3:1-3 References: https://www.drugabuse.gov/ https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2017/6/6/15743986/opioid-epidemic-overdose-deaths-2016 https://www.cdc.gov/std/stats16/default.htm https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/fastats/adolescent-health.htm
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AuthorErica Harris is a God Gifted Christian Coach, Counselor, providing insights and truths from the Word of God, The Bible. Archives
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